Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Something I found while looking through old boxes.  Fun times digging through memories.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Always used to get funky haircuts before shaving our bodies for the final swim meet.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Found some old poetry while looking through boxes at my parent's house.  might go through the notebook and rewrite a few...

I am a pine tree
Big and tall
With glossy green needles
That grow and fall

Found a bunch of old papers in boxes at my parent's house.  Included are short stories, poems, stories started but not finished, and a whole bunch of random ideas, some of which don't make sense to me now.   Wrote about dark stuff, light stuff, love stuff, fight stuff and a whole bunch of random stuff.

Some examples:
A brilliant teacher can have a bad day.
His aim was pure
His aim was sure
The point went through the heart
The enemy fell
On its way to hell
Pierced by a lethal dart

Gather round children
Hear my story
Of a brave warrior
And his descent from glory
Many battles
Did he fight
With shield in hand
Sword in flight
Until one day
He betook a quest
To do the impossible
To defeat the best
He challenged the one
The only knight
Whose heart of darkness
Feared no light
Upon a dark and
Stormy night
The two warriors arrived
Prepared to fight
The battle was bloody
The dark warrior mean
He did away with the knight
Quick and clean
Without a leader
The good army fell
To the darkness
To the hell
And so the warrior's
Excessive pride
Brought down his kingdom
Made good men die.
I don't think I plagarized, but these were written in grade school, so please tell me if they sound like something you've read.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Spent a few hours looking through old stuff while visiting my parents.  Can't use their home as storage anymore, so had to get rid of all my old fantasy books.  I kept the magic cards and comics, but the rest have moved on to other readers.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Still on a bender of writer's block.  It's become more of a baking break though.  Here are some pics from my apple cinnammon day. 

#notwritingatthemoment  #beginnerbaker


Luckily the mini aple pie thingy turned out awesome and tasted even better than it looked. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Getting settled in to the new place but, in the meantime, I got a new oven and have had a weekend of baking.  Started out with pizzas, which turned out good and encouraged me to keep going.  Did my go to cranberry orange scones, then tried something new, apple cinnamon scones, which turned out great.  Then made more pizza for my wife's family.  And, this morning, made an assortment of bagels.  All good.  :)

I will get back to writing the third book after a short trip to Japan next weekend.  ;)  Check out the first two on amazon if you haven't already.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Book two is almost ready, dealing with cover designs.  In the meantime, you can enjoy my collection of short stories (scary ones, not fantasy).  The book is called Imaginative Insomnia and includes five short stories that I thought of during a sleepless night when all I could think of was writing. 
I would love to hear what you think about it!  You can find it here. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Planning stages for book three are underway, I like to think in color.  A few more little things to do to book two, but it's coming soon.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Q for Amazon authors.  Is there a way to see books downloaded when on KDP Select, not just normalized pages read?

Saturday, January 9, 2016

As an addition to my earlier post, you can buy the paperback version of my book, Spirits of the Plains, through createspace.  Here's the link.


Finally got the paperback version of my first book taken care of.  It should be availiable on Amazon in a few days.  I'll finish editing book two this month, and hopefully have it on amazon by early February.